Friday, May 4, 2012


Answers to Reading Section #9:
  1. D (easy)
  2. E (medium)
  3. D (medium)
  4. D (medium)
  5. B (medium)
  6. C (easy)
  7. A (medium)
  8. E (medium)
  9. C (medium)
  10. B (medium)
  11. E (medium)
  12. A (medium)
  13. D (medium)

Strategies for the SAT:

  • Define A-E before reading the sentence.
  • Read the sentence, paying close attention to the KEY word(s) that hint at the definition(s) that you are looking for.
  • Try to fill in the blank(s) on your own.
  • Re-examine the choices (A-E), and select the BEST answer.

  • Bracket all prepositional phrases to avoid confusion.  This strategy will help you highlight the subject and verb.
  • Mark the subject and verb. Make sure that they agree (e.g., if the subject is singular, then the verb should be singular)
    • If there is more than one verb in the sentence, make sure that they are all in the same tense.
  • Check the comma usage by running through the comma rules we’ve been studying (e.g., prepositional phrase, transition, subordinating conjunction, coordinating conjunction)
  • Check the semi-colon usage.
  • If you still cannot locate the error, check for the following concepts:
    • parallelism (if there is a list in the sentence, this could be the answer)
    • pronoun-antecedent agreement
    • modifiers (make sure that the modifier matches the subject of the sentence)

  • Look at the questions to see the line numbers that you are supposed to examine.  Mark those line numbers on your passage.
  • Read the italicized print before the passage.  It will help to set up the context of the passage.  It will also help give you an overview of what the passage is about.
  • Read the passage in its entirety.  Annotate as you read.
  • Answer the questions, rereading not just the singular line numbers but the paragraph or line before and after.

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