Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Break Assignments...

1.  Finish the quote worksheet from Monday 4/2.  It will be collected on April 16th.
2.  Copy down the following five vocabulary words and write sample sentences for each.

     42.  disdain (n)—scorn, snooty disapproval or dislike
                                                            i.      des- "do the opposite of"
                                                           ii.      deign "treat as worthy" (FRENCH)

43.  chastise (v)—to scold severely or punish; castigate, censure
                                                            i.      L. castigare "to punish"

44.  contempt (n)—total lack of respect; disdain
                                                            i.      com-with
                                                           ii.      temnere "to slight, scorn"

45. spurn (v)—to reject
                                                            i.      spernere "to reject, spurn,"

46.  scorn (v)—to disrespect; to reject or dismiss as unworthy